Winching & Recovery
Everyone in Summit County Co finds themself stuck from one time to another. It's not your fault, it's just the environment we are in up here in the Mountains. Many people go off the road in Breckenridge or Blue river because of the amount of snow that falls so quickly in the winter. The elevation is these towns is 9600ft and above all the way up to 11539ft at the Continental Divide of Hoosier Pass. That's almost 2000ft of elevation gain in just 12miles, which mean steep roads with edges that drop off on the sides. Another road to be careful of is Hwy 6 from the Keystone ares to A Basin ski area. That stretch takes you up Loveland Pass to an elevation of 11990ft. Though absolutely breath taking views, getting stuck on Loveland Pass can do more than just take your breath away. There are tight switch backs with no guard rails and sheer drop offs, so drive SLOWLY.
One important tip when driving in the mountains is to know the roads. Not directions but the ditches that run along side of the roads. Every road has a ditch next to it to channel water from the winter snow melt off. They are not always to see because they can be full of snow but know they are always there. If one tire goes in than it will suck the rest of you vehicle in and you will be STUCK IN THE DITCH. Not usually a big deal unless you get pulled out by an inexperienced passer by. Good Samaritans are just trying to help but with modern day uni-body constructed vehicles an enormous amount of damage can occur very easily. Cars are not built strong like they used to be and the days of just of just hooking a strap on you and yanking you out of the ditch are long gone. A slide off that might cost a few hundred dollars can easily go north of a few thousands if done incorrectly. It's not worth the risk, call the experts. Our drivers are well trained professionals that have the right equipment to handle every type of situation.